20 Celebrities Who Love To Shop At Walmart

Celebrities—the likes of Arnold, Rihanna, and Beyonce—are the people who enjoy all the luxuries in the world. They have more money than we can imagine, and they are able to afford anything we can imagine. They live in luxurious mansions, drive expensive cars, and wear designer clothes. And, they also stop by Walmart to do some shopping.

Well, yes, they do. Having a lot of money does not necessarily stop you from enjoying the taste of discounted goods. After all, who doesn’t love a nice deal?

 1, Rihanna

Who doesn’t know Rihanna? She is one of those celebrities loved by almost everyone. In 2013, when she was in Kamloops for Diamonds 2013 tour, she stopped by Walmart. There, she was at McDonald’s and was seen enjoying a nice meal.

2 Jennifer Gardner

Another reason why we love Jen Garner… this beautiful American actress and a mother of three kids is just so down to earth… and who doesn’t like a bargain? In spite of all the fame she has got, she was once seen traversing the aisles of Walmart with her daughter. Wearing the running shorts and her ponytail, she seemed as if she was really comfortable being there.

3 The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

With all the fame and money that comes with him, it is a huge surprise that The Terminator also loves to shop at Walmart. With a body like that and a vigorous workout schedule, he does need all those jars of Proteins though.

4 Billy Burke

Twilight’s Charlie Swan, actor Billy Burke is seen here back in 2011 loading up on a stroller and diapers. No better place for a bargain discount than Walmart. Stars, they are just like us.

5 Beyonce

In 2013, you might have wanted to be at the Walmart store in Tewkesbury, Massachusetts. Yup, that’s Beyonce strolling down the aisle shopping at Walmart; she did not just shop for herself. Turns out, it was time for Christmas. She greeted the people there, wished them the greetings of the festival, and even threw a $50-voucher for every customer there.

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